A couple of weeks ago I finished John Bevere’s new book “X: Multiply your God-given potential”. It completely changed my view on what biblical faithfulness and ministry as a whole mean. It reshaped my understanding of “stewarding” God’s gift in my life.
Now, I don’t want to give you a resume on that book quite yet. Be on the lookout for that in a later post. Let me say this much: It is a life-changing message from God that you have to read!
Anyway, today I just want to share one important point God reminded me of in 1 Corinthians 4:1-2. This point is mostly taken out of John Bevere’s book. So all credit for that goes to him (and obviously to God).
“Let a man so consider us, as servants of Christ and stewards of the mysteries of God. Moreover it is required in stewards that one be found faithful.”
1 Corinthians 4:1-2 NKJV
There are two words that stick out to me: stewards and faithful.
The Greek word for steward is “οἰκονόμος“, for which the strongs dictionary gives this meaning: “the manager of household or of household affairs. Esp. a steward, manager, superintendent (whether free-born or as was usually the case, a freed-man or a slave) to whom the head of the house or proprietor has entrusted the management of his affairs, (…)”
This is awesome! That means a steward is a manager who was set over the affairs of someone else.
Now, faithfulness in the biblical context of Matthew 25:14-30 refers to the multiplication of what was entrusted to us.
So, 1 Corinthians 4:1-2 says in other words: We should consider ourselves as managers who are entrusted with the revelations of God out of God’s Word and by His Spirit. And as such managers of the God-given revelations, we ought to multiply them!
That we can do by staying in a constant cycle of receiving and giving.
God gives us Christians revelation out of the Bible not just for us but also for others.
In his book John Bevere goes deeper than just sharing revelation. He includes in this necessity the multiplication of the gifts that God has entrusted to us.
“You have a gift or gifts, (…), these gifts are specific endowments of grace that empower you with special abilities.”
“It is a severe matter to neglect our God-given gifts.”
John Bevere, X: Multiply Your God-Given Potential
People need what God is giving you! They need the revelation and the gifts that are in you!
Paul says later in 1 Corinthians 9 …
“For if I preach the gospel, I have nothing to boast of, for necessity is laid upon me; yes, woe is me if I do not preach the gospel! For if I do this willingly, I have a reward; but if against my will, I have been entrusted with a stewardship.“
1 Corinthians 9:16-17 NKJV
Paul knew his gift was not for him. His gift was given to others, through him. He says, he has a necessity on himself. He even curses himself if he would not preach the gospel. Meaning, if he wouldn’t share the revelation of Jesus and the gift entrusted to him.
“The gifts of God on your life are not for you; they are for others to benefit through you.”
John Bevere, X: Multiply Your God-Given Potential
Before reading this book, I saw myself more as a minister or servant in a traditional churchy sense, rather than a steward who manages the God-given affairs. My attitude was in giving the minimum because I thought “that’s still okay”. God convicted me that in that attitude I was using my gifts partly for my own gain. It was a secret and hidden motive and I had to honestly admit before God that I was selfish.
It’s a stupid attitude that I’m extremely sorry for. It doesn’t even make sense now.
I realized I carry what God wants others to have. With that everything is at stake. People’s lives, their legacies, their health, their prosperity, and so many more areas in their life are at stake. People need to get and receive what God has given me to give to them!
I have to change my thinking about the whole subject of “ministry” which then changes my belief, which changes my attitude, which changes my work and prayers.
Since I repented, did some deliverance, and changed my attitude and behavior I believe I am way more effective in my prayers, at work, and overall in my “ministry”. I definitely see an increase of anointing because of that.
This is one of the reasons I share stuff like this here on my blog, on YouTube, Instagram, and through my weekly newsletter (that you should totally subscribe to! lol). It just has to get out of me. Right now, I’m on day 27 of a longer Social Media pause, and it was tough not to share anything online about what God was giving me…
So, what are you doing with all the revelations God is giving you? Are you keeping them for yourself? Or are you sharing them where ever you can?
Why don’t you pray about it?
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