Have you prayed for a miracle but seemingly nothing is happening? Have you waited a long time and are wondering if God actually heard you?
In this article, I want to encourage you in God and help you understand some biblical principles about how God performs miracles.
The short and quick answer to your main question is:
On average miracles happen after seeking God. The time it takes for a miracle to happen varies from person to person and is determined by God, the person’s faithfulness to Him, and his/her level of involvement in the process. Sometimes miracles happen instantly, often they take longer to manifest.
Let’s unpack this a little more in detail by also remembering some biblical examples.
How Long Does It Take For A Miracle To Happen?
Obviously, no one can determine how long a certain miracle might take despite biblical or even real-life examples.
Some miracles might happen in an instant, others might take a longer period of time in seeking God. It ultimately is up to God. It is by His grace and His mercy that we can even expect something so undeserved as a miracle. After all, He is the one performing the miracle.
In this season where you are praying and waiting for your miracle to happen, I want to encourage you to not let go. Don’t stop praying. Don’t stop believing. Remember to act upon and pray for mustard seed faith. Be bold in your prayers. Through Christ, you’re a son/daughter of the most high God. You are an ambassador of Christ. The power of God to raise the dead back to life is dwelling inside of you by the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:11).
Don’t give up and don’t give in. Keep on praying until something happens. The only thing that we could do wrong is to give up and give in. This is what the enemy wants, and is trying to lead you to anyways.
But don’t listen to his lies. Be bold and keep on fighting until you have your blessing. Just like Jacob when he wrestled God (Genesis 32:22-32). He wouldn’t let go until God blessed him.
In that boldness also be humble and follow the leadership of the Holy Spirit (John 14:26). Don’t neglect your own healing and deliverance process of sanctification either. In fact, I believe that moving forward consistently in this cleansing process will get you the desired miracle quicker (2 Timothy 2:20-22).
Abraham, the example of faith (Romans 4), waited 25 years from the first promise (Genesis 12) to the fulfillment (Genesis 21:5).
So, be patient, trust in God, invite the Holy Spirit, and move forward continuing to expect great things.
How does a miracle happen?

As a general rule, a miracle happens after praying a prayer of faith to God. In that regard, the Bible speaks of “mustard seed faith” that can move mountains. For a person to “perform” a miracle in the name of Jesus he or she needs to be totally surrendered and be a prepared vessel that God can use.
When we look at all the men and women of God that moved in signs, wonders, and miracles, may it be in the Bible or after, we see them praying prayers of faith. This doesn’t necessarily mean a “big” faith. Jesus says that we can move (spiritual) mountains and unplug (spiritual) trees if we only have mustard seed-sized faith. (Matthew 17:20, Luke 17:6)
Another helpful factor in seeing miracles happen in your life is surrendering all areas and issues of your life to God. He wants us to be vessels of honor, prepared for the master’s use (2 Tim 2:20-24).
It is therefore imperative to be diligent in your sanctification process – to “cleanse yourself” – by doing healing and deliverance. What exactly I mean by that you can read in this article.
It is not about repenting as much as you can or pleading the blood of Christ until you fall over. It is about cleansing ourselves by breaking the curses on our lives that came in through our sin or the sin of our ancestors (i.e. generational curses: Exodus 20:5). We need to cast out the curse holder (the demonic spirit attached to it) in our life and clean the temple of God (1 Corinthians 3:16). That is, in a way, making miracles happen. By following this simple but intense process you will inevitably see miracles happen in your life. The more issues in our lives get resolved, the more room God has. Again, you can learn more about all of this here.
How do I ask God for a miracle?
As a general rule on how to ask God for a miracle, one should pray wholeheartedly, asking the heavenly Father in Jesus’ name with a mustard seed faith in all humility and boldness, praying with a cleaned gift of miracles, in obedience to and in accordance with God’s will.
When asking God for a miracle you have to have the right mindset (Romans 12:1-2).
When you pray, be sure your prayer is in obedience to God and in accordance with His Word. The Bible teaches us that if we put God first and make Him our one and only, He would grant us the desires of our heart (Psalms 37:4). If we surrender worry (and everything else) and seek first to manifest and establish His kingdom and His righteousness, our heavenly father will give us what we need (Matthew 6:33, Luke 12:31).
Jesus also teaches us that if we ask our heavenly Father anything in His name (Jesus’ name – John 14:13-14, 15:16, 16:23-26, James 4:2-3), Jesus would do it for us. Again, if it is in accordance with the will of God. He’s not going to give you 100 billion dollars just because you used a certain match of words. You have to move with the Holy Spirit who is the one working the miracles.
So, pray humbly, but also boldly. Know who God is. And know who you are in God.
That obviously implies praying with all your heart (Matthew 21:22). After all, God doesn’t listen to your mouth but to what you’re really saying within your heart.
Remember to pray with mustard seed faith (Matthew 17:20, Luke 17:6). Jesus promises us that we don’t need faith as big as mountains. We only need faith as small as a mustard seed – which is tiny. So make sure to renounce and cast out all fear, doubt, unbelief, and anything else that could block your faith. And then go, unroot those spiritual trees and mountains!
While you are in your healing and deliverance process you can ask the Father to help you clean the gift of working miracles (1 Corinthians 12:10). People that God uses in miracles do have a “cleaned gift of working miracles”.
If you want more information on how to pray for miracles I wrote a more detailed article here.
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