How Many Miracles Of Jesus Are In Luke? – Quickly answered – Yeshuah Boyton

How Many Miracles Of Jesus Are In Luke? – Quickly answered

people laying hands on and pray for a young man in the foreground it says in white letters how many miracles are in luke

There is a lot of different information about the number of miracles in the gospels. Therefore, I wanted to share my own research on the miracle accounts in Luke to make the best resource available I can give you.

In total, there are 23 miracle accounts recorded in the gospel of Luke. They consist of 14 healings, five exorcisms, four wondrous miracles like the feeding of the 5000, and two passages speak of Jesus raising the dead. Some of the accounts overlap between the categories and therefore count twice.

Below, I want to go into more detail about the miracle accounts in the gospel of Luke, share why I came up with the number 23, and answer related questions.

How many miracles are in Luke?

There are a total of 23 miracle accounts recorded in the gospel of Luke. The number of miracles might vary because it depends on what one would claim as a miracle. 

I included all records of Jesus’ divine wonders, even the mass healings.

In the next section, you will see how many miracles I personally assign to four main categories. As mentioned above, I divide the 23 miracles recorded in the gospel of Luke into 14 healings, 5 exorcisms, 4 wondrous miracles, and 2 raising the dead.

I know, summed, up they equal 25. Two of the healings/exorcisms overlap in the categories and are counted for both.

For more information, I put together a couple of helpful articles in my research on Jesus’ miracles in the four gospels. 

They’ll give you a good overview and might present a helpful resource for your Bible study.

This article is just one of ten or so. I list the most relevant articles here:

What miracles are in the gospel of Luke?

a person breaking their chains above their head in front of a sun set

I sorted all 23 accounts of Jesus’ miracles into four categories: healings, exorcisms, raising the dead, and other wondrous miracles. Obviously, one could assign more or different groups, but I believe these four give you a good overview. 

The accounts are listed out of order but include their Bible reference. If you want to see them all in order, you can use this helpful overview here.

Again, not all accounts speak of a single miracle. Two passages talk about mass healings – I go into more detail about them in my next section. But I still score every single passage that records healings as only one miracle account.

14 healings in the gospel of Luke:

  1. Jesus heals the fever of Peter’s mother-in-law (Luke 4:38-39)
  2. Jesus heals many sick and oppressed in Capernaum (Luke 4:40-41)
  3. Jesus cleanses a man with leprosy (Luke 5:12-16)
  4. Jesus heals a paralytic let down through a roof (Luke 5:17-26)
  5. Jesus heals a man’s withered hand on the Sabbath (Luke 6:6-11)
  6. Jesus heals a centurion’s slave in Capernaum (Luke 7:1-10)
  7. Jesus heals an 18-year long crippled woman (Luke 13:10-17)
  8. Jesus heals a woman with an issue of blood (Luke 8:42-48)
  9. Jesus heals many people (Luke 9:11)
  10. Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit (Luke 9:37-43)
  11. Jesus heals a man with dropsy on the Sabbath (Luke 14:1-6)
  12. Jesus cleanses ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19)
  13. Jesus restores sight to Bartimaeus in Jericho (Luke 18:35-43)
  14. When being arrested Jesus heals a servant’s ear (Luke 22:50-51)

5 exorcisms in the gospel of Luke:

  1. Jesus drives out an evil spirit in Capernaum (Luke 4:31-37)
  2. Jesus heals many sick and oppressed in Capernaum (Luke 4:40-41)
  3. Jesus heals a blind, mute, demon-possessed man (Luke 11:14-23)
  4. Jesus casts demons into a herd of pigs (Luke 8:26-39)
  5. Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit (Luke 9:37-43)

4 wondrous miracles in the gospel of Luke:

  1. Wondrous catch of fish on the lake of Gennesaret (Luke 5:1-11)
  2. Jesus calms the storm on the sea of Galilee (Luke 8:22-25)
  3. Jesus feeds 5,000 plus women and children (Luke 9:10-17)
  4. Jesus transfigured on the mount (Luke 9:28-36)

2 raising the dead in the gospel of Luke:

  1. Jesus raises a widow’s son from the dead in Nain (Luke 7:11-17)
  2. Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter back to life (Luke 8:40-42, 49-56)

How many people did Jesus heal in Luke?

As a whole, the gospel of Luke records Jesus healed 21 individuals and two undefined amounts of people. The first states, “(…) any that were sick (…); He laid His hands on every one of them and healed them.” (Luke 4:40) The second says, Jesus “healed those who had need of healing.” (Luke 9:11)

Because these last two accounts don’t give us a definite number of healed people, we don’t know how many it really was.

Luke 9:11 speaks of “multitudes” who followed Jesus. Out of the multitudes, He “healed those who had need of healing.” That could mean 2 people, 20, or more. Luke 4:40 is not much precise either.

That’s why I would say the gospel of Luke records Jesus healed 21 individual people plus a multitude of people.

The 21 healed people are made up out of: Peter’s mother-in-law, a man with leprosy, the paralytic who was let down through a roof, a man’s withered hand being healed on the sabbath, the centurion’s slave, 18-year long crippled woman, the woman with the issue of blood, a boy healed of an unclean spirit, the man with dropsy, ten lepers, blind Bartimaeus, and the servant whose ear was chopped off at the arrest of Jesus.

How many miracles did Jesus perform in total?

An open Bible and open journal laying on a desk.

In total, Jesus performed miracles in 42 accounts across all four gospels in the New Testament. These accounts include 25 healings, eight recordings of exorcisms, ten wondrous miracles like the feeding of the 5000, and three raisings of the dead. Some of the accounts overlap between the categories.

You can see a comprehensive overview of all of Jesus’ miracles in chronological order in this article. Below I categorized them into the four previously mentioned groups.

25 healings across the four gospels:

  1. Jesus heals an official’s son at Capernaum (John 4:46-54)
  2. Jesus heals the fever of Peter’s mother-in-law (Matthew 8:14-15, Mark 1:29-31, Luke 4:38-39)
  3. Jesus heals many sick and oppressed in Capernaum (Matthew 8:16-17, Mark 1:32-34, Luke 4:40-41)
  4. Jesus heals the sick and demon-possessed (Matthew 4:23-25)
  5. Jesus cleanses a man with leprosy (Matthew 8:1-4, Mark 1:40-45, Luke 5:12-16)
  6. Jesus heals a paralytic let down through a roof (Matthew 9:1-8, Mark 2:1-12, Luke 5:17-26)
  7. Jesus heals a man at Bethesda (John 5:1-15)
  8. Jesus heals a man’s withered hand on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:9-14, Mark 3:1-6, Luke 6:6-11)
  9. Jesus heals a great multitude of people (Matthew 12:15, Luke 3:7-12)
  10. Jesus heals a centurion’s slave in Capernaum (Matthew 8:5-13, Luke 7:1-10)
  11. Jesus heals a blind, mute, demon-possessed man (Matthew 12:22-23)
  12. Jesus heals an 18-year long crippled woman (Luke 13:10-17)
  13. Jesus heals a woman with an issue of blood (Matthew 9:20-22, Mark 5:25-34, Luke 8:42-48)
  14. Jesus heals two blind men (Matthew 9:27-31)
  15. Jesus heals many people (Matthew 14:14, Mark 6:34, Luke 9:11)
  16. Many sick are healed by touching Jesus’ garment (Matthew 14:34-36, Mark 6:53-56)
  17. A gentile woman’s demonized daughter is healed (Matthew 15:21-28, Mark 7:24-30)
  18. Jesus heals a deaf and mute man (Mark 7:31-37)
  19. Jesus heals a blind man at Bethsaida (Mark 8:22-26)
  20. Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit (Matthew 17:14-20, Mark 9:14-29, Luke 9:37-43)
  21. Jesus heals a man born blind (John 9:1-41)
  22. Jesus cleanses ten lepers (Luke 17:11-19)
  23. Jesus heals a man with dropsy on the Sabbath (Luke 14:1-6)
  24. Jesus restores sight to Bartimaeus in Jericho (Matthew 20:29-34, Mark 10:46-52, Luke 18:35-43)
  25. When being arrested Jesus heals a servant’s ear (Luke 22:50-51)

8 exorcisms across the four gospels:

  1. Jesus drives out an evil spirit in Capernaum (Mark 1:21-28, Luke 4:31-37)
  2. Jesus heals many sick and oppressed in Capernaum (Matthew 8:16-17, Mark 1:32-34, Luke 4:40-41)
  3. Jesus heals a blind, mute, demon-possessed man (Luke 11:14-23)
  4. Jesus casts demons into a herd of pigs (Matthew 8:28-34, Mark 5:1-20, Luke 8:26-39)
  5. Jesus heals a demon-possessed and mute man (Matthew 9:32-34)
  6. A gentile woman’s demonized daughter is healed (Matthew 15:21-28, Mark 7:24-30)
  7. Jesus heals the mute, blind, lame, and impaired (Matthew 15:29-31)
  8. Jesus heals a boy with an unclean spirit (Matthew 17:14-20, Mark 9:14-29, Luke 9:37-43)

10 wondrous miracles across the four gospels:

  1. Turning water into wine at the wedding in Cana (John 2:1-11)
  2. Wondrous catch of fish on the lake of Gennesaret (Luke 5:1-11)
  3. Jesus calms the storm on the sea of Galilee (Matthew 8:23-27, Mark 4:35-41, Luke 8:22-25)
  4. Jesus feeds 5,000 plus women and children (Matthew 14:13-21, Mark 6:30-44, Luke 9:10-17, John 6:1-15)
  5. Jesus walk on water (Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 6:45-52, John 6:16-21)
  6. Jesus feeds 4,000 plus women and children (Matthew 15:32-39, Mark 8:1-13)
  7. Jesus transfigured on the mount (Matthew 17:1-13, Mark 9:2-13, Luke 9:28-36)
  8. Temple tax miraculously found in a fish’s mouth (Matthew 17:24-27)
  9. Jesus curses the fig tree (Matthew 21:18-22, Mark 11:12-14, 20)
  10. Another miraculous catch of fish (John 21:4-11)

3 raising of the dead across the four gospels:

  1. Jesus raises a widow’s son from the dead in Nain (Luke 7:11-17)
  2. Jesus raises Jairus’ daughter back to life (Matthew 9:18, 23-26, Mark 5:21-24, 35-43, Luke 8:40-42, 49-56)
  3. Jesus raises Lazarus from the dead in Bethany (John 11:1-45)

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Yeshuah Boyton

Yeshuah is an author, ordained minister, husband, and father who equips Christians to become fruit-bearing disciples. Because he was miraculously healed from cancer he now shares about healing, deliverance, discipleship, evangelism, and spiritual warfare on this website, on Youtube, on his podcast, and in his newsletter. Like what I share? Say Thank-You, become a supporter, and/or partner with us in prayer. Always remember, every day you live to bear much fruit!

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