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Your child might be in a situation that requires a real need for deliverance and a supernatural move of God. In this article, I will give you one powerful and comprehensive deliverance prayer to pray...
You are plagued with distressing thoughts or religious thoughts, and you don't know if they are due to your OCD or the voice of the Holy Spirit. In this article, I want to shed some light on what the...
You are a Christian, you suffer from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and you ask yourself, "Does God forgive my OCD thoughts?" For that question, I found some great Bible verses that will give you a...
Asking the question if it is a sin not to pray every day is totally legitimate. Whether you are a new believer in Christ or have been walking with Jesus for a while now, we have to look into the...
At the end of 2020, I thought it would be good to do a one month 40 Days Social Media Pause just to have tried it and see what it does. (Update: I intended it to be 31 days, but then felt like doing...
On this awesome and relaxed resting day (Saturday is our family sleep in day.), my wife was listening to a Youtube message by Perry Stone, while we were getting ready. Obviously, I overheard it and...