Your child might be in a situation that requires a real need for deliverance and a supernatural move of God. In this article, I will give you one powerful and comprehensive deliverance prayer to pray for your child in spiritual warfare.
This prayer you can pray one-on-one with your child or in intercessional warfare prayer. Either way, I believe God will move for you through this prayer. If you need advice on how to do spiritual warfare for your child, I wrote a longer article that could also be of real help to you.
Never forget that God wants you and your child to be completely set free. That’s what Jesus bled and died for. Up to this day, He still is in the miracle business. But be aware of the fact that God is not delivering us from our friends. Make sure that your child actually wants to pray and/or wants to be set free. If you pray this prayer in intercession you might want to stand in the gap for your child. If you’re not sure what that means you can find out in this article.
Should you or your child start manifesting a demonic force during prayer, don’t be afraid! That can happen. God allows this demon to come up so you guys can cast it out. Remember you have the authority in Jesus Christ to lay hands on the sick and they shall recover. Through Him, you can cast out demons, step on spiritual serpents and scorpions and nothing shall harm you (Mark 16:15-20, Luke 10:19). When you cast out demons by the Holy Spirit, don’t be afraid, because that’s when the kingdom of God is right there with you! (Matthew 12:28)
Lastly, I would also suggest that you read through the whole prayer at least one time before actually praying it.
Deliverance Prayer To Pray For Your Child

Dear Jesus, I ask you for forgiveness for all of my sins. (You may want to repent of specific sins as well.)
I cover myself and my family with your blood right now. I stand in the gap for my father’s and mother’s family line (and for my spouse and child(ren).) I ask you for forgiveness for all of our sins, especially for (fill in the blank). (1 John 1:9)
In Jesus’ name, I forgive and release every person that wronged or hurt me. I forgive them for making me feel (fill in the blank) by doing (fill in the blank), or not doing (fill in the blank), or saying (fill in the blank). In the name of Jesus, I completely forgive them. (If possible let your child pray the same in the one-on-one prayer. It’s important that he/she makes a conscious decision to forgive everyone just as Jesus just forgave him/her.) (Matthew 6:14-15)
In Jesus’ name, I put on the belt of truth, the helmet of salvation, the breastplate of righteousness, and the shoes of the gospel. I take up the shield of faith and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God (Ephesians 6:10-20).
(The following should also be prayed by your child, if possible. If not, renounce the same thing your child needs deliverance from in your life. Sometimes these things run in the family.)
In the name of Jesus, I renounce (fill in the blank for any sickness, disease, curse, or sin you want to renounce now. Be specific.) in my life and also in my bloodline, both ways all the way back to Adam and Eve.
Holy Father, in the name of Jesus, I invite your precious Holy Spirit into this place right now. In the name of Jesus, I ask you, Father, to send sufficient angels that would assist in this spiritual warfare with healing, deliverance, protection, and praise. Please glorify your name here right now. Thank you for being so faithful to me and my family.
In the name of Jesus, I declare that everything that leaves me and/or my child here today has to go right back into the pit of hell and will never come back. I bind all the demons I renounced as one and they have to leave us as one.
In Jesus’ name, I also bind and break any plan of the enemy for revenge. In Jesus’ name, I bind the strong man right now. I take away all weapons, armor, devices, and crowns of all demons I renounced in my life. I reverse their curse (X amount, like 10 times, 50 times, etc.) of times back on their own head. May they receive back what they came out to do to me. (Psalm 149:5-9, Matthew 16:19, Mark 3:27)
I declare in Jesus’ name that no weapon formed against me shall prosper but be turned back to its sender right now (Isaiah 54:17). They shall receive their own fear, their own suffering, their own torment, their own (fill in the blank with what you renounced). In the name of Jesus, I release God’s written and appointed judgment for every single one of these demons right now (Psalm 149:5-9, Revelation 15).
In the name of Jesus, I release a holy confusion into the enemy’s camp, so they would point their own weapons against each other or themselves (Exodus 23:27, 1 Samuel 14:19-20). In the name of Jesus, I command that they have to hear their own lies like a broken record over and over again, like the torment they tried to bring on me and my child until they leave us.
In the name of Jesus, I curse (fill in the blank with what you renounced) at the root like Jesus cursed the tree (Matthew 21:19). It shall die, dry up, and never bring bad fruit in our lives again.
In the name of Jesus, I come against (fill in the blank with what you renounced) with the blood of Christ and command them to leave me here and my child altogether, right now!
(You and/or your child take a deep breath now, maybe cough three times, and let it all go. These troubles you renounced are Spirit(s), so they will have to leave through breath/spirit. Trust me, it works. That’s how God healed me from cancer and so many other things too. Let God move on you now. Let the Holy Spirit touch you and set you free. Should a demon manifest, don’t be intimidated. Just tell it to go in the name of Jesus until it leaves. Once you feel God’s healing and deliverance is completed for the moment, you might want to release the blessing.)
In the name of Jesus, I release God’s blessing (opposite of what you renounced). I release healing, freedom, deliverance, the power of God, joy, and God’s anointing, (or anything else you want to release). Holy Spirit please fill every empty space in me now. Fill me with your light and your love. I dedicate every now delivered space in my life back to Jesus. Jesus, I put you first in every area of my life.
Heavenly Father, I ask you in Jesus’ name to stir up new gifts in our lives through your Holy Spirit to bring good fruits and build your kingdom (1 Corinthians 12,14).
Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus, I ask you for the Spirit of strength and the power of your might to come into my life and the life of my child (Ephesians 6:10). I also ask you, in the name of Jesus, to release the authority over all the power of the enemy, to trample on spiritual serpents and scorpions, and that nothing would harm us (Luke 10:19).
I thank you and praise you for what you are doing in our lives.
In the name of Jesus. Amen.
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