Every day you are confronted with the spiritual warfare that goes on in the workplace you work at. You might feel overwhelmed and sucked out by the spiritual darkness that seems to bombard you every workday.
With this guide, I want to help you to pray more effectively, bring God’s kingdom into the marketplace, and be able to even witness Jesus to your co-workers.
Let’s get into it.
1. Know Who You Are In Christ
First of all, you need to know who you are in Christ.
You need to be sure that you have spiritual authority, especially for the workplace God has put you in.
In Jesus and His redemptive work on the cross, you are forgiven. You’re a new creation in Christ. One could almost say, you are a supernatural being. (2 Corinthians 5:17; 1 John 1:9)
You no longer live for yourself, but Christ in you, who is the hope of glory. (Colossians 1:27)
You carry the Holy Spirit, God himself inside of you. (Ephesians 1:17; Romans 5:5; 1 Corinthians 12:3)
For this reason, Jesus said that you are the salt and the light of the earth, that the world may see your good works and glorify the Father in heaven. (Matthew 5:13-16)
You are an ambassador for Christ (2 Corinthians 5:20). That means that you represent the King of kings and the Lord of lords. What God speaks through you stands.
You represent heaven here on earth. You are a heavenly citizen. (Philippians 3:20; Ephesians 2:19)
And you’re more than that even.
You are a son/daughter of the most high God. (John 1:12; Romans 8:17; Ephesians 2:13)
You are an heir to a throne in heaven. (Revelation 3:21; Romans 8:17; 1 Peter 1:4)
You are loved, cherished, supported, and an anointed royal priest of God. (Revelation 1:5-6)
Seeing yourself as God sees you, puts the daily workplace challenges into perspective.
First of all, that means that you live for another age. So your suffering is but a vapor and will soon be gone just a faint memory looking back from eternity. (James 4:14)
Secondly, you have authority in prayer to shift the spiritual atmosphere in your workplace.
In fact, I believe that God put you in this position so that you would make that difference. He wants you to be the light in a dark place.
He wants you to release His kingdom through you. Jesus wants the people around you to not only see you make a difference. But He also wants to use you to save, heal, and deliver where it is needed.
That’s what it means to manifest the kingdom of God. It’s acting on the certainty that you know that you know who you are in Christ.
2. Know The Spiritual Reality You’re In

Next to knowing who you are, you need to know what you are getting into every – single – day.
Every day you are standing in a spiritual battle. Demonic forces playing their sinister games. They know who you are. They see the calling that God put on your life.
But they might also see you not acting on it. They might see you fighting in the flesh, struggling along, not knowing what to do. That’s how they tricked you and keep you in a vicious circle of frustration and torment.
My friend, if you are really struggling at work you might be in the middle of a spiritual battle.
The Bible says that we are not fighting against flesh and blood. That we are in spiritual warfare. Now more than ever before Satan has more right in this world to kill, steal, and destroy. (Ephesians 6:12)
But what are you going to do about it?
You are in a spiritual war that already has a winner. It’s a war that rages until this winner (Jesus) will claim His kingdom and kick out Satan.
Until then it is on us to fight until the last man/woman is standing.
You are not fighting alone. You’re in this together with the Holy Spirit.
He is your strength, your wisdom, and your courage.
Let Him deliver you from frustration and complaining and let Him give you your joy back.
Let Jesus touch you to heal your wounded heart from rejection so that you can just love all vicious attacks away in Jesus’ name.
Let Jesus deliver you from impatience and exchange it with God-given patience and wisdom.
You are in a spiritual battle that you need to fight spiritually.
Stop fighting and working in your own strength.
Stop complaining. Be thankful. Look to heaven where your help comes from.
To learn what it can look like when you’re in a spiritual battle deep dive into my more detailed article about the 7 signs of spiritual warfare.
3. Put On The Full Armor Of God And Arm Yourself

Given the fact that you are in a spiritual battle, God is not leaving you without effective weapons.
In fact, His Word says that the weapons of our warfare are not like our natural weapons but they are mighty to destroy spiritual strongholds.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ, and being ready to punish all disobedience when your obedience is fulfilled.”
2 Corinthians 10:3-6
In the name of Jesus, we have the authority to stand against the attacks of the enemy and pull them down.
Any word spoken against us or any pride that rises against God that could potentially hurt us, we are allowed to bind in Jesus’ name.
Above that God gives us a whole armor in Ephesians 6:10-20.
When you observe the armor closely you will see that it doesn’t have back protection. This is because God wants us to fight forward and not run back.
It is an offensive armor intended for attacking the enemy.
My point here is, that we tend to go into defensive mode when we pray for our workplace.
You might already feel attacked and bombarded and now my writing seems like an encouragement of how to defend yourself.
But this is not what the Bible teaches.
The Bible always portrays Christians as a proactive movement. I believe God indeed encourages us to fight back and attack the enemy spiritually.
Obviously, I don’t want you to start arguments and fight with your co-workers whenever you think they are out of line with the Bible – lol.
I want to encourage you to change your mind on how you see the attacks of the enemy at your workplace.
It’s time for you to fight back and be spiritually “aggressive” in prayer.
I encourage you to put on the full armor of God. Ask God to give you spiritual weapons against the attacks of the enemy.
Those weapons don’t have to be just spiritual warfare in prayer but can also be joy, peace, wisdom, patience, etc.
Through Him, Jesus, you are more than a conqueror. (Romans 8:37)
Be vigilant and have a mindset to fight back. You are no longer a victim, but a victor in Christ.
To learn more about spiritual weapons to apply in prayer, intercession, and in spiritual battle at your workplace give this article a look: 7 Weapons Of Spiritual Warfare.
4. Take Spiritual Authority Over Your Workplace

When you know who you are in Christ and what you are getting into every single day then it is time to take spiritual authority over the atmosphere in your workplace.
This is something I did almost every morning before I went to work.
You can stand in the gap for your boss, or even the CEO of your company.
Ask God for the forgiveness of your sins. Release the blood of Christ over your boss, yourself, your co-workers, and your customers (depending on your work obviously).
Bless them. Release provision and God’s success over them.
Then bind every demonic force that you know plays its sinister game at work according to Matthew 16:19.
“And I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven, and whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.”
Matthew 16:19
Something like control, anger, impatience, pride, jealousy, rebellion, frustration, gossip, etc.
Maybe there are things that come up in you as well. Surrender them to God, ask Him for forgiveness, renounce them, cast them out of your life and invite the Holy Spirit to fill you instead.
Take spiritual authority over the things that are coming up on a regular basis. Bind them and tell them to go in Jesus’ name.
This short video might be helpful at this point.
I would even release the blood of Christ around the property or my immediate workplace for protection and against any demonic influence.
I then would release God’s freedom, love, joy, peace, and anything opposite of what I would’ve bound.
The Bible says to bless those that curse you (Matthew 5:44). So, in your prayer for your workplace bless the co-workers and/or customers that constantly give you a hard time.
Of course, this requires you to forgive them for everything they ever said or did that hurt or offended you.
Go to work prepared. Be “prayed up”. Be full of the Holy Spirit.
Make a decision to not come in grumpy, which is in the flesh, but to be salt and light for Jesus.
Take spiritual authority and let your light shine.
Who knows… maybe it’ll open a door for you to minister to someone.
5. Release God’s Presence Into Your Workplace

This point overlaps with the previous one.
When you take spiritual authority over your workplace to cast out demonic forces it is also important to invite God and His presence into your workplace.
Whenever you do deliverance or spiritual warfare, don’t leave the delivered space empty. Always fill it up with the Holy Spirit. (Matthew 12:44-45)
Invite God to accompany you in your workday. Invite Him to lead and guide you.
Ask Him to help you in word and deed. Commit your workday to Him.
Maybe by this time in prayer, you might think of more specific things your workplace would need from God.
Well, step into your spiritual authority and release those things.
Maybe there is a lot of control or pressure. Bind those things and release God’s freedom and His easy yoke in the name of Jesus. Release the joy of the Lord, which is your strength. (Nehemiah 8:9-10; Matthew 11:29-30)
Release the blessings of God over your workplace, the company, the co-workers, your boss, the customers, etc.
Release the kingdom of God and its power into your workplace. Pray that the atmosphere will change in Jesus’ name.
I believe this will do two positive things for you.
On one hand, it obviously gives God the room to change and invade your workplace.
On the other hand, it will prepare you for the day ahead. It will make you spiritually ready and prepare you for potential spiritual battles.
6. Pray For Your Boss, Co-Workers & Customers

Obviously, it’s not just the atmosphere or yourself that needs God’s presence but everyone else you work with too.
Maybe your co-workers or even your boss brings spiritual baggage into work that needs some divine encounter.
Again, you are God’s ambassador. Step into your God-given authority and pray for them.
Maybe they come in with depression, sicknesses, anger, anxieties, pressure, control, laziness, etc.
Intercede for the people you work with. Praying for them this way is just as good as if you pray for them 1 on 1.
In prayer, bind these negative things, tell them to go in Jesus’ name, and release the blessing of the opposite.
In the instance of laziness: bind laziness and release diligence and godly work ethics. (Proverbs 19:15; Ecclesiastes 10:18)
In the instance of anger or impatience. Bind these things, pray that the Lord would rebuke demonic anger and impatience, and release God’s love, patience, peace, and joy.
I found a great prayer on youtube that could be a real blessing to pray for your workplace.
I believe that if you continue to pray for them in this way, God will soften their hearts.
I believe God will give you more opportunities to impart, minister, and maybe even pray for them.
By the way, by praying for them God will develop a whole new level of love for people and your workplace in you.
7. Be Lead By The Holy Spirit At Your Workplace

When you come into work, you need to be prayed up.
So often I had days where I simply wasn’t spiritually prepared because I overslept and didn’t have time to pray.
It just resulted in me making bad decisions at work. Maybe even lashing out and getting frustrated.
But at days I took time to pray and invited God into my workday I felt way more prepared and ready.
I literally felt God with me. I even had the Holy Spirit give me nudges through His “still, small voice” in tasks I had to manage.
Being lead by the Holy Spirit will only be beneficial for you. All He wants is to conquer this dark world with you for Jesus.
The only one whose interest it could be not to have Holy Spirit with you would be Satan and his demonic minions.
I encourage you to invite the Holy Spirit on a daily basis. Take moments out of your work routine to calm down and refocus on Him.
Maybe when you’re in the bathroom or in your break just pray and invite the Holy Spirit to come to lead you.
It will calm you down and refocus you on what is really important.
This awareness will give you strength, peace, patience, and joy. The days will seem much easier.
Chances are that He will give you a nudge that could change the whole course of the company you work for. Maybe He will direct you in a way that will bring huge success.
It could be in the form of an encouragement to do something or maybe even a conviction or warning to keep you from doing something detrimental.
Maybe Holy Spirit will give you a word of knowledge or another open door to be able to minister to someone at your workplace.
Is this lifestyle possible?
Yes, of course!
That’s who Holy Spirit is. He wants to be a part of your whole day. He wants to bless wherever He can.
8. Never Stop Growing As a Servant Of God

As a servant of God, we should always be growing and being transformed into the image of God until Jesus comes back, or we go home to the father.
Therefore we should use challenges at work to help us grow in God.
What do I mean by that?
When being frustrated at or with the workplace you work at it is important to find out what God is actually doing.
God obviously doesn’t want you to be frustrated. Frustration is not of Him.
But sometimes God allows negative situations to occur to teach you something and help you get to the next step in your life.
So, what is His plan? What is he trying to work out?
Take those questions into prayer. Examine your own behavior.
Did you lash out in anger? Were you impatient? Etc.
I think you get the point.
Then take these things before God, repent, do some self-deliverance on these issues.
Seek renewal in your spiritual life. Cleanse the vessel, which is you, so that you are more useful for the master (God). (John 15:2; 2 Timothy 2:20-21)
Obviously, that is the spiritual aspect that should be the foundation for the natural aspect of growing in your skills.
If you see that you need to improve, don’t get discouraged.
There are plenty of ways to learn new skills. You can read books, listen to podcasts, watch youtube videos, or even listen to sermons.
It’s important that you develop a consistent growth mindset!
A really great book that helped me develop this growth mindset was the book “Thinking For A Change” by John C. Maxwell.
A great book that I believe God used to really get some major practical things sorted out in my life. I can highly recommend giving it a read. You can purchase it here through this amazon affiliate link.
Spiritual Warfare at work is a real thing. As part of God’s army, we enter into a spiritual battle against Satan and his demons every day. It is important that you are a powerful royal priest and a son/daughter of God. In this authority, you can bind and cast out demonic forces at work and release the Holy Spirit and God’s presence at your workplace. Pray for the ones you work with. Invite God into your daily routine. Let Him lead and guide you. Release His presence and be always willing to learn and grow in God.
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